MRCC Employment Application 
Contact Details
First Name:  M.I.  Last Name: 
Email:  Phone:   
City:  State:  Zip Code: 

Employee Information

Are you legally eligible to be employed in the United States?
 Yes   No

Date you are able to start:    
Position Desired: 
(If unsure, put N/A)
Rate Desired: 
What employment status is preferred?   Part Time (10-32 hrs wkly)  Full Time (32-40 hrs wkly) Seasonal (4 mo. or less) (10-32 hrs wkly) 
Are you currently employed?
 Yes   No

Do you require working papers?
 Yes   No  

Are you able to perform the duties of the position for which you are applying for without reasonable job accommodations?
 Yes   No   
Have you ever been convicted of a felony?
(A conviction will not necessarily result in a denial of employment)
Yes No

If YES, please explain:



Previous Employment 
Employment 1
Employer Name: 
Employer Address: 
City:  State:  Zip: 
Position Held:  Reason for Leaving: 
Dates Employed:

Describe the Work Performed:    

May we contact your previous supervisor for a reference? 
Contact Name:  Phone Number: 
Employment 2
Employer Name:  
Employer Address:  
City:   State:   Zip:  
Position Held:   Reason for Leaving:  
Dates Employed:

Describe the Work Performed:    

May we contact your previous supervisor for a reference? 
Contact Name:   Phone Number:  
Please list 3 attributes that you feel make you a good fit for the position you are applying for: 
Attribute 1:   Attribute 2: 
Attribute 3: 

Professional Reference 
 Non-Relative who will serve as professional reference and has know you for at least 2 years:
Name:  Relationship:  Phone:


I understand and acknowledge the following:

1. As a condition of employment, I am required to submit proof of my identity & legal right to work in the United States. 2. If I am employed, any false statement, misrepresentations or omission of facts on this application or on any supporting

documents, regardless of when discovered to be false or omitted may result in my immediate dismissal. I give Mountain

Ridge Country Club permission to contact former employers, schools, personal or professional references.

3. I agree to conform to the rules and regulations of Mountain Ridge Country Club.

4. I will be required to possess a valid driver’s license if my job requires me to drive in the course of work.

5. If employed, my employment shall be at will and for no definite period of time. I understand and agree that the company

may terminate my employment at any time, with or without cause and with or without notice at the option of either the

company or myself.

6. I understand that prior to employment and at any time after employment commences a consumer report may be

requested for employment purposes including, but not limited to; credit report, criminal history to the extent permitted by law, general character, work habits, performance experience, reasons for termination, etc. I further understand if offered employment I agree to report any arrest or criminal conviction to the Company within three days.

7. I understand that no supervisor or manager may alter or amend the conditions set forth in paragraphs one (1) through six (6) above. I understand that the forgoing conditions can only be altered or amended by a written agreement signed by the authorized representative of Mountain Ridge Country Club.

8. As a condition of your employment you may be subject to a background check or Department of Motor Vehicle check.

Mountain Ridge Country Club is an Equal Opportunity Employer and in accordance with State and Federal laws does not discriminate in hiring or employment on the basis of race, color, creed, genetic information, sex, national origin, age or disability unrelated to job requirements.

 Yes, I acknowledge that I have read, understood and agree to the above statements.  

By signing and or completing by printing my name below, I acknowledge that I have read, understood and agree to the above application. 
Signature:  Date